This class is aimed at 3 key box making skills: end grain hollowing and finishing, lid layout and fit, and jam chucking and reverse turning of top and bottom. Some steps will be turned before class so students have time to practice processes critical to a successful box. See THIS outline for making the box.
Boxes are a challenging basic turning project because of the steps and precision required. You will be most successful in class if you are experienced with other spindle turning projects and have learned tool control to make fine and accurate cuts.
We will provide sharp school tools: ⅜” - 45° fingernail spindle gouge, 1” roughing gouge, 1” skew, parting tool and 1” dome scraper. You may use your sharp personal tools. Wood will be provided as part of the $10 class fee.
Please study the above outline and bring a copy for reference to the class. Also watch THIS 12 minute video showing the project and the turning techniques we will use.
Instructor: Jerry Hall 530.913.8614
Coaches: if you can help in this class please contact Jerry
Click here to see a list of currently scheduled coaches.
See Map Here for location of class.