Turn an Elegant Tea Light
A Presentation by Gary Sandler
Each month we meet to share ideas and learn about wood turning. To keep us all safe we will be meeting using the Zoom app. There will be a short update by Shann Galuza, our President, then a demonstration by Gary Sandler. Gary has a fun project that will sharpen your turning skills.
To make things easier, ALL of our members will be emailed the Zoom login details. Members do NOT need to register for free events anymore, just make sure your email address is correct in your member profile.
If you are not a Nor-Cal Member but would like to see the demo, please email Chris Smith at webmaster@norcalwoodturners.org and he will send you a link.
If you haven't used Zoom before or are having problems with your connections, contact Chris Smith at webmaster@norcalwoodturners.org or call (916) 712-6979.