Ice Cream Social, Tool Swap & Raffle
For our July 26th meeting we won't have a demonstration but we will have a get together. Join us for some ice cream and socializing.
We'll meet outside of the VFW where there will be a "tool swap". Bring those items you no longer use and see if you can sell them or trade for something better. You can start setting up at 5:00 pm and we'll have the tool swap from 5:30 to 6:30pm.
At 6:30 we'll move into the air-conditioned building where you'll enjoy an ice cream bar and some other goodies as you chat with friends. The big "event" will be the Top Spinning Contest.
For this contest we want you to turn your best top. If you have a family member that wants to participate you can turn two, but that person will need to spin the top. We'll have prizes for the longest spinning top and for the "crowd favorite" so make a beautiful or long spinning top. Finger or hand spinning only, no string pull tops please, except if you want to bring one just to show off. Heck bring a bunch of tops but you can only enter one into each category.
Bring your wallet. While you are enjoying that ice cream buy some raffle tickets. We've got some great turning items we purchase from Rockler and Craft Supply that you'll want to win!
The wood gathering crew will be there to share some wood also so take some blanks home and turn some bowls for the empty bowls fundraiser.
Hope you can join us!
NOTE: this is an in person meeting and there will be no Zoom option.